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No Waitlist - Start Today -

Modern, Comfortable Therapy. Real Results.

Contact Us Today to Start Your Road to Self-Improvement.

Learn about some of the things we offer and see what is best for you!

  • Explore personal growth and well-being through individual therapy. Our experienced therapists offer one-on-one support in a private and welcoming space. Learn practical tools, insights, and strength to handle life's challenges. Our therapy is convenient and flexible, empowering you to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Begin your journey to emotional wellness today.

  • Our experienced therapists provide supportive sessions for couples and families, fostering communication and understanding. Navigate challenges together, build stronger connections, and create a harmonious family dynamic. Discover the power of shared growth and start building a healthier, happier future for your relationships. Begin your journey to stronger bonds today.

  • Uncover a more peaceful and balanced life with Mindfulness-Based Therapy. Our therapists help you learn simple techniques to stay calm, manage stress, and improve your mental well-being. Discover the power of being present in the moment and start your journey to a more relaxed and fulfilling life today.

  • Unlock healing and transformation with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Our skilled therapists use this innovative approach to help you process past traumas and overcome challenges. Experience a gentle and effective method that promotes emotional well-being. Begin your journey to a brighter future with EMDR therapy today.

  • Explore your feelings and personal growth through Expressive Arts Therapy. Our therapists use art, movement, and creativity to help you discover and express yourself. This unique therapy goes beyond words, offering a fun and empowering way to reduce stress and enhance well-being. Unleash your creativity and start your transformative journey today.

Start your journey with us today!

How may days have passed where you have been anxious, unfulfilled, or unhappy? Do you keep thinking it will get better on your own, but you're still stuck?

Maybe you've tried counseling before and ended up with little or no progress. Maybe you don't know where to start or worry that therapy won't work. 

The truth is most people feel the same way - but there is a solution!

We have the counselors that use the method that you need to succeed. About 94% of our clients felt that not only were their goals being accomplished in working with a Leeward Counseling therapist, but they felt comfortable & connected in therapy too. ​​

The therapy process can be simplified & productive. You can live the life you dream of with a little help from Leeward.